* The Narrative is really powerful! and the music helps to bring the emotion across! At some parts such as when katie is in the house maybe the music could stop for a while..only becuase it might be a bit repeatative. The camera work is reallly good becuase you have a lot of different shots, a good example of this is when katie is running up the stairs, and when you have different shots of when both characters are walking along (shops scene) The green screen works well, and i think its really nice how you have ashleys character slowing fading away! very interesting and creative well done! - Jo
* The camera angles are perfect in the scenes of waking up and Kate meeting up with Ashleigh.
Voice over great timing, clear sound, and appropiate.
The ghost of Ashleigh walking into the house and fading.
Ashleigh disappearing during hide and seek.
Peekaboo shots, during hide and seek (Kate).
Ashleighs body language during the game of hide and seek is cheeky and entertaining.
The storyline is good, which tells the viewer how Kate is feeling, through her eyes.
The soundtrack is soothing and not distracting, which helps to create the atmosphere of a lose.
It would be better to see a close up of a alarm clock, that the time visible.
Instead of Kate saying Shit! She should panic and say OMG, I'm late. etc.
Kate is too far ahead of Ashleigh (shopping scene), she should be side to side and possibly linking arms with Ashleigh.
Shopping scene, need to see garment and both characters, possibly inside a shop trying on clothes/shoes; deciding which one is best.
Kate should look fed up with playing hide and seek.
Kate needs to gradually get upset, at the moment she looks too happy during the hide and seek game.
When talking about Ashleigh acting differently lately, show evidence of her acting odd that involves the mysterious boy Ashleigh likes.
Hide and seek, there shouldnt be a a camera shot looking up from underneath the bed, instead there should be a camera shot looking down underneath the bed.
Ghost of Ashleigh should be on the swing alongside Kate, at the end and disappear.
* It was really good, got a bit of goose bumps lol. Good choice of music in relation to the situations, smooth camera movement/action (not like home video),
When changing music maybe you should phase it out so it's not so sudden. Is it mandatory for Freddy to talk in the background for most of the film? - Harvi
When changing music maybe you should phase it out so it's not so sudden. Is it mandatory for Freddy to talk in the background for most of the film? - Harvi
* The topic is great and touching, reminds us to appreciate the great friends we have.
I like how you guys made Ashleigh disappear and appear... kinda ghostly, but at around 2.03 her legs were cut off?
Music's cool, the volume is just right so we can hear Freddy clearly. Then it changed to a sadder music to suit the mood *thumbs up*
The hide and seek bit was very well done, I love the compositions of each shot, and the lighting was lovely at 4.24.
Freddy's voice seemed a bit unsure and felt like she was reading from a script (which she was?) at the beginning, but it got better later on.
Could do more close up shots... I found the background distracting... could do some panning but it must be quite hard to do without all the equipments.
Near the end when Freddy goes shopping on her own, it was supposed to be a few months later, but the window displays had the same clothes... so next time be aware of that. - Suki
I like how you guys made Ashleigh disappear and appear... kinda ghostly, but at around 2.03 her legs were cut off?
Music's cool, the volume is just right so we can hear Freddy clearly. Then it changed to a sadder music to suit the mood *thumbs up*
The hide and seek bit was very well done, I love the compositions of each shot, and the lighting was lovely at 4.24.
Freddy's voice seemed a bit unsure and felt like she was reading from a script (which she was?) at the beginning, but it got better later on.
Could do more close up shots... I found the background distracting... could do some panning but it must be quite hard to do without all the equipments.
Near the end when Freddy goes shopping on her own, it was supposed to be a few months later, but the window displays had the same clothes... so next time be aware of that. - Suki
* That was sooo moving...made me almost cry.
The only thing I would say is the ghost character goes from a brunette to blond. I maybe missing the point, or that might be how its meant to be.think there could have been more close up shots of the two characters that showed them talking and it would have been quite good to be able to have heard some of the conversation instead of cutting it out completely. - Claire
* I think the film is really good, and kind of upsetting at the end. even though it is basic, it is filled with a lot of emotion and it deep. - Emma
* Oh my gosh that is so powerful Maiken! And oh my freddy is soo good in it. It made me cry! You have all done that really well. - Jess
* I thought it was quite strange to start with untill i relized what had happened, cos i didnt understand what was going on. it was good though...sad - Jade
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