The title 'Remember Me' will be in bold/block letters, with 'Remember' above the picture and 'Me' underneath the swings (like the set of swings are resting on the 'Me'. As you can see on the pictures I have put circles on where we could write reviews/festivals on, which is usually seen on a a DVD cover or poster. We would have 'A Film Directed By Priya Ahluwalia' underneath the 'Me' and have the rest of the credits below that.

In this poster, I have still kept the idea of the set of swings, but they will be in a sequence of small images starting from them both swing on swings, getting of swings and walking along, with Ashleigh slowly fading throughout all of them until it ends with just Kate. These will all be long shots.
On the top right hand of the page, you see Ashleigh looking down on herself and Kate with a smile on her faces, suggesting fond memories. We will have 'Remember Me' again in bold/block letters underneath the picture sequence of swings.
Underneath 'Remember Me' will be the credits.
The reviews and festivals would be in the top left hand corner opposite Ashleigh's face, and we will have the name of the director beneath them.

We would then have 'Remember Me' underneath them, again in bold/block letters and then the directed note and credits beneath it. Above, the two characters we would have the reviews and awards.
Our target audience for our film would be teenagers and older, I would say are film would be certified at 12 or 15 and mainly to teenager girls and young adult women, as the characters you see our only females. So, therefore they need to be able to identified with the poster, we would need to put them in magazines like 'Bliss', 'Glamour' and 'Heat' as these are typical girl magazines.
The colours used for font would be a dark sky blue, we wouldn't want to use stereotypical feminine colours like pink as our film is sad. We also want to keep it to as close to social realism as we can, so we would use settings that are used in the film, and we wouldn't make them lighter or darker, as the picture will be taken outside, we will keep.
Will you have a tag line to help your audience build up some genre expectations etc?