Thursday 18 March 2010

Little White Lies Review : Priya Ahluwalia

Little White Lies is a magazine filled with review not only for films but also explores the world of music, art, politics and pop culture. ( )
The unique elemnt of this magazine is that it issues a theme around a film and add some characteristics to the magazine as you turn the pages such as having some pictures drawn on the page where there are also reviews of a film.
The publishers for the film are The Church of London. To establish who the target audience for the magazine is, looking at the language that they have used as well as the adverts placed will indercate who it is.
the adverts that were found in one of the issues where seen as mainly aiming a male adience aged 20+ and of a middle class background. Examples of the adverts that were found in the issue were:
Swatch, Electronic Arts, Land Rovers, Rockstar Games, Playstation, Burtons, Canon, Oakley, O'Neil, 20th Century Fox and many more.
In class we looked at a 'Little White Lie' magazine where we looked at the style such as the layout. the language and the target audience.
Here is the image of the magazinethat we looked at:


  • There is a still of the film abouve the coloums of writting and covers 3/4 coloums
  • Each film review has no more than 4 coloums
  • The release date, dirctors name and the stars are each boxed in a two color system
  • The first line of the review starts with bold writing also know as bold first same goes with the ending of the review
  • Have a sort of an evaluation at the end of the review. this involves Anticipation, Enjoyment and Retrospection and has a rating sysyen at the end of each
  • Right Bias
  • Bottom of the page is the page number with a small picture of a crown which is the chosen theme for the magazine.


  • Evaluation of the film
  • A synopsis of the film without giving the story of the film away
  • Written as telling a story of some sort
  • Written with complex film language
  • Acadimic referancing
  • Film referances and context
The Church of London are the publishers of 'Little White Lies' there are as it states on there website "a creative agency motivated by passion – for publish and design, for writing and filmmaking, for staging parties and exhibitions, and engaging with communities of like-minded people." ( ). They work on projects such as designing films and webs to in house publishing. Here are some of the awards that they have achieved for thier work:
  • The Maggies (2009)
    Winner: Magazine Cover of the Year
  • Cinema Business Awards (2008)
    Winner: Movie Poster of the Year
  • MD&J Awards (2008)
    Winner: Best Designed Mag (LWLies)
  • MD&J Awards (2008)
    Nominated: Best Designed Mag (Huck)
  • D&AD (2007)
    In Book:
  • iDN v116n5
    Editorial Design Issue
  • Booooooom
    Best Magazine Cover of 2009

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