Some of the questions that we need to ask ourself is:
- who is the targetted audience for the film?
- what on the poster will attract the audience to watch the film?
- Is your audince Female, Male or both?
Here are some of the posters that we looked at:

What attracts the audince into watching this film is that the character is a female and it suggests that it may be aimed at females. From looking at the poster and the image used, you are able to see the characters facial expressions; from this characters facial expression it fells like she is deep in thought, very lonley and looking out through the window. Furthermore looking at the background setting of the poster it shows her sitting a room of some sort. furthermore we are able to see drawing on the wall as well as having some sort of tear of the wall paper, this may suggest that she lives in a deprived area which then leads to social realism.
However on the other hand th poster on the left suggest the opposite to the character on the right. in the right poster she looks more dominant as the camera is slightly at a lower angle. furthermore the character lookis abit more 'chavy' with the big hoops and the necklace that she is wearing and makes her look more down market.
This film was given a number of awards as well as positive reviews. looking at the reviews of the film we can see that most of the review were from newspapers and magazines that are read by middles class people which suggests that the film has used a working class area and middle class are watching it.
From looking at the background of the film poster you are able to tell that this film is mainly based around a working class area, and shows what life is like. Therefore it shows that this is a social realism film.

What attracts an individual to watch this film is that it contains characters that are seen more as sterotypes and of diffrent age groups. thsi film also has male charcters as well as females indicating that the film is aimed at both genders and ages upto 18
Le donk is a film of a Rock roadie, Le Donk, who has lived, loved and learned. Along t

From the poster for the film is looks more like a comedy film than a social realism film.
Priya - this is very brief. you must discuss the "HOW2 of the constructuion process. How do we know this is a working class area? What sort of a girl is she - what clues suggest this? Who will be watching this film? Go to my blog and answer all the questions - you can easily edit the above and try to use less block text - break up entries into bullet points.