here are a number of sound track ideas that could be used in the film. When both girls are out and about, I was hoping to use a sound track that would show their happiness and that both girls enjoy each others company. I also had an idea of using a sound track/s that reflect the disappearing of 'Ashleigh' when Kate is unable to find her. I feel that the use of both happy and sad sound tracks would contrast the mood and the atmosphere of the scene.
I also had an idea of using a creepy type of sound track, this would be used when members of the public would be looking at Kate in a strange way. The idea for using a creepy type of sound track came from "Lou - Lou Lives Here" as it has used the same aspects as we would like to create.
Roles in the film:

Role Allocation:
Camera Person/s: In order for the short film to be a success it would be useful if all three of us participated when using the camera. This is mainly because we all have the ability to use a camera as well as having different ideas of using the camera as to what shots and angles would be appropriate to use in a particular scene. As all three of us would be using the camera it would enable use expand our skills for the use of camera work as well as enable to learn new skills form other members of the group.

Further more as we are going to be shooting outside in the town centre as well as the park, there is going to be a lot of natural light, therefore the use of the redheads would not be needed.
Maiken Davidson - notes: Because of working outside we will not be needing redheads because of it's natural light however we could could use some portable lighting if we decided to do a scene at night highlighting that Ashleigh is not really there.
Props: In this film there are not as many props that will be needed in the needed in the film. However the

with sound, remeber to apply film language terminology - non diegetic, diegetic, parallel etc