Joy ride is a short film that was made in 1995 by Gillespie. The film uses genres of thriller as well as using the aspects of action. This was shown by the way the main character is on his way home from work, whilst driving; he spots a person on lying on the floor, at this point the main character is not aware of what is going to happen next or what he is going to do.
The film moves very quickly as well as being very tense keeping the audience on an edge with short cliff hangers.
The mise en scene is used very carefully in order for the film to create its right effect. Using the establish shot shows the audience that he is in a remote area and no one seen. The dark lighting creating the effects of danger and showing the character has been called to inspect a remote electricity pylon. Once he finds the problem is minor he decides to head home. His clothing is formal and appropriate for the job that he does and is seen wearing a luminous yellow coloured jacket. The use of big close ups, enables us to see the facial expressions of the characters face. An example of this shot being used is when the victim is in the boot of the car, he is scared and worried that he may die.
The sounds applied in order for the film to achieve its objectives are diegetic as well as non- diegetic. Diegetic sound that have been used are when the victim is in the boot of the car and trying to escape as we can hear the thugs talking to each other and the victim struggling to escape. The setting of the film is in the UK in a town called Surrey, making it a local place and Making it a British film
The main themes and issues that have been used in the film are of joy riding; as the two thugs violently beat the victim put him in the boot of his own car and drive off.

Q2. How does the film use genre/style conventions uniquely?
I feel that the film has used a very good element of shock as you the audience and the main character himself does not know what is going to happen next as well as not knowing that the injured person on the floor has not actually been hurt. Making sure that they keep to the element of a thriller they have used the setting very carefully as the road that they have used is empty and no one is to be seen.
The scene that I found very inspired was the end scene where the victim ends up being in the same place where he started. The other interesting part of the story was that the victim was meant to die in one way or another. An example of this was when the victim is putted out of the boot and is head but one of the thugs with a knife towards his neck.
Q3. How does the film use the short film formate?
The film has used the short film formate in a unique way as the storyline is not clear as to why he was kidnapped as well as starting the film with the man who is not named in the film; coming to fix the fault in the electricity box and ending the piece where he started in the first place. As the film is fast paced everything happens quickly therefore the audience has no time to plan what will be happening next.
Q4. What do you find interesting about the use of sound?
The sound has been used very effectively as it shows realism within the piece itself. Such an example is when the character is in his car and listening to the radio and then you hear the sound of thunder and the rain falling on the car.
Using the music sound track at the back of the film create the suspense that needs to be created in the film. This mainly shown in the pace of the track itself as it shows how fast or slow the piece is running.
Q5. Themes and Issues Representation:
The main theme seems to be about riding other vulnerable peoples car for their own use of fun.
The social groups that are seen to be represented in the short film are lower class people. this is shown by the way that they are dressed as well as the way that they are speaking to one another.
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