Q1. Identify the Genre/s or style/s used:
The genre that was used in this piece was realism as the situation that the main character Zoe is going through tough time that people go through to a day to day life.
The loctaion and setting of the film is shown to be based around an esate where there are no jobs and people are low on money. You can also tell that these people are from a lower Background by the way that they have been dresses
Q2.how does this film use genre/ style conventions uniquely?
The film has used the genre uniquley as most of the scenes that they have taken have been with a hand held camera, making the audince feel like they are in the piece itself. As well as that the camera fame sizes also brigns the voewr closer to the chacter. Most of the shots that we see are of close up, this allows the facial expressions to be reveled.
The scene i feel that really drags the audince into the actual piece is when a wasp goes into the babies mouth. It keeps the audience intrested in the piece as they want to find out what happens next.
Q3. how does the film use the short film format?
The film has used the short film format very effectively as they told the audience the entire story through 10 mins of watching the film. As well as that they show the life style of the charcters and what life is like.
I feel that because this is a social issue, it could be used in our piece as we have decided it that it should be a realism piece
Q4. what do you find intresting about the use of sound?
The film does not use mich sounds however some sounds that they use can be effectively used. An example of this is when the smallest child is singing they have used this as sound. As well as that when Zoe is in the pub they have used music that is recogised by everyone.
My best music part would be at the end when the children and Zoe are in the Daves car and are driving off whilst the girls are singing "would you be my girl".
Q5. Themes and Issues and representation:
The themes and issue that is represented here class and status. In this film we see people that live on an esate and that they dont have enogh money to sport themseleves and feed their kids.
We see in the film when Zoe is on the phone to someone that she is trying to find some food around the kitchen but is unable to; she comes across some wrooten bread, showing that they are in need of some food. Another point that we understand that they are poor and in need of money is when Zoe is going through her purse and only has a few bi

I feel that it does position that audience to take particular view on the subject matter as there are many people who dont have the advantages that we do.
As on the others