Sunday 18 April 2010

Main Evaluation: Priya Ahluwalia

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The opening: The film starts with the main character in bed. This does not give much away about the story of the film. During the research process we decided how we wanted to open the film without it looking strange as well as keeping the audience focused and making sure that we keep with the genre being social realism.

Research: During the research process we looked at social realism films, such as wasp, Eight, happy go lucky, Brief Encounter and many more. I found that in some films they have used stereotype comments such as in Happy go lucky the driving instructor makes a remark of locking the car doors as some black boys cycle along the road

I feel that this film was a great help to us with what a social realism film should be about as it uses topics that apply to everyone.
In the film we have also kept an enigma code revelling the story at the end of the film, this is mainly because it keeps the audience engaged. The enigma code is usually used in thriller / horror films however we decided to challenge and see whether it works in social realism film. We keep the audience confuse of why one of the character continues to disappear during the film which creates questions to arise to why this is happening.

Issue: Like many social realism film focus on a particular topic such as in wasp it would be young mums or lone parents, we have decided the topic on mental illness. This film studies this topic and shows how the character comes around telling the audience what has happened. Today in schools a subject like this is not mentioned however some people go through this day in and day out and others would ignore the fact that this is happening to teenagers as well as adults.
Mental illness would include bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
Related films seen: Making sure that we were not rolling of track and trying to make a film look like a Hollywood blockbuster we looked a film called ‘dead man’s shoes’ by Shane Meadows. This film is based on one brothers revenge (Richard) on people who killed his younger brother (Anthony).

The interesting thing about the film was that Anthony is seen in the film however he is not really there and therefore makes the film more interesting seeing how Richard talks to him even when he’s not there. This inspired us to use one of the characters to talk to Ashleigh but in actual fact she is talking to herself.
Mise en scene:
· To create social realism atmosphere we used natural lighting as many scenes are in the town centre and park.
· This creates a natural and expected atmosphere.
· Opening is set in Kate’s bedroom. Red heads were used as the room appeared fairly dark.
· Most of the footage is shot in the town centre, this adds to the effect of realism.
· We tried to make the house look realistic; we made the characters room like a teenagers room with posters and objects left on the floor.
Hair & Make-up:
· Kate is not wearing any make up showing her natural self.
· Her hair is up and giving it a nice tidy look.

Non diegetic is used in this piece.
We have used voice over and background music to create the effect of social realism.
Typical use of editing is used; dissolve and straight cut
Dead man’s shoe was one of the films that have used both these types of techniques.

How effective is the combination of your main product and your ancillary tasks?

This is the poster for the film. We have used big, bold and black title so it stands out.
The background is of the park that has been used in the film.
The main character (Kate) is at the front and looking over her right shoulder towards the swing that represents Ashleigh
This makes the audience imagine what the film might be about
Putting an age certificate on the poster, makes the poster look slightly more realistic as well as adding star rating and comments from Bliss, sugar and credits at the bottom of the poster.

This is the review for the poster. The still that has been here is of the character by herself at the end of the film. We have made the review look like a review from ‘Little white lies’.
Using a review layout form the magazine we have made the review look similar to the ones found in the magazine.
We have added the director’s name, release date and the actor’s names in boxes at the top before the review starts and ending the review with ratings.
Does it work?
Putting the poster and the review together with the film I feel that it does work.
Both character are in there late teens
Both characters are girls indicting that this film mostly aimed at girls from the ages 12+
The review is written using complex language that only people who live on films would be able to understand what is actually written.

Using different still to the poster but still with only one character in the still shows that this is the main character and that she is alone. Also allows the audience to question why she is miserable and the reason to her loneliness.
What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

We got a number of different responses for the audience
Asked friends and family from ages 12+ what they taught about the film and how they found the poster
Negative feedback as well as positive feedback was given
Negative feedback helped with if we were told to make another film what would you do differently.
· The alarm clock: one of the feedback that member of our group received was if the alarm went off there was no need for her to rush.
· Cuts did not work in some areas. (bedroom when Kate is looking for Ashleigh)
· Audience were confused until the end
· The story line was very good
· There were a variety of shots and angles used
How did you use new media technologies in the construction, and research, planning and evaluation stages?
NEW MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES: Here are some of the technologies that we have used:
· Green Screen
· I Movies
· Final cut pro.
· Garage band
· Blogging
· Face book
· In design
· Photoshop
Green screen:
Green screen is the new digital technology that we have used in this piece.
Skills that I have learnt using the green screen are in order for the character to be placed where they should whilst being faded away you first need to take a picture of where they are going to stand and what they will be doing. You then upload a video of the same place for around the time that you need and then place the green screen footage on top.
At first I thought that using the green screen was going to be a major task and really hard to use however it was in fact easy to use.
Garage band:
· I was unable to figure out why the sound we wanted to use did not work and why it kept making the narration seem really load even after adjusting the volume keys. With the help of Richard the technician, he explained once the volume of the sound has been adjusted manually by clicking on the scale buttons you are unable to lower the volume keys.
Trying to find the right tracks for the piece myself and members of the group jumped through the tracks.
In total we found three tracks that were right for the film

Final cut pro:
Completing the main task I was able to use my skills that I had learnt from the previous year
· This piece of technology was simpler and easier to use compared to I movie.

In design:
· A very complicated technology to use
· Had to help from member of the group on a number of occasions
I soon got used to the technology as I was job to crate the poster for the film
· I also got used to placing images from different software
This was the first poster design that I came up with however talking to the group they found that it was to plain and need something that would represent the main character as well as the other
· I concluded that this was a really good idea and represented both the characters the story line and the title.
. this is how we got the feedback from the audience
. we first uploaded the footage onto youtube and then sent a link to the targetted audience via facebook
Here is the link to the finished film:

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