New Techniques: The main techniques that we are going to be trying out in this piece will be the green screen. The green screen will be one of our main aims to get right in the peice as one of our characters is not alive and will be disappearing as the peice goes on.This has enabled us to use our enitatives of where the camera would be placed as well as when the camera would move to the other character. when filming we all need to remember as Ashleigh does not reallly exist hwen and where would she be placed in the shot as in one of the shoots Kate id seen talking to Ashleigh but she is not there and there would be a shot of the public looking at Kate in a strange way.
Other techniques that we have used in this piece are point of view shots. This places the audince in Kate's shoes as well as enabling them to feel the emotions that are running through Kate when she is looking for Ashleigh.
Development of skills from Last Year: We all feel that our skills have developed since last years production, as we all now have a better understanding of what techniques to be used when and where in a shot.
roblems that occured: When filming only a couple of problems occured such as we were unable to do a shot with both characters, when they both walk through the door as one of actors was unable make it to the location due to personal factors. Another problem that occured was that we were unable to shoot whilst the camera moving as we did not have a dolly this limited us to getting diffrent shots that we wanted to.

Good Priya. as with all your blog work, try to be briefer in your style of writing - use bullet points and just pick out main points.