Thursday, 18 February 2010

Feed Back on footage: Priya Ahluwalia

Family: Ages between 15 and 19
  • The lighting needs to be the same in every shot some shots appear to be darker than others.
  • In some scenes there are shots of people in the corner of the screen.
  • Eye contact with the camera - a bit strange.
  • Liked that there are a number of shots and angles used.

Friends: Ages between 15 and 19

  • Similar points to the above plus suggest that the ending could be a bit better.
  • Should show some anger as well as emotions of loss.
  • likes that we have used point of view shots.

1 comment:

  1. We had a long discussion on your filming. The biggest problem was your lighting and this is something you need to have a discussion about - maybe upload some of the problematic footage onto your blog. Your camera was trying to cope with huge expeanses of light behind your character - the result being silhouettes.

    Some of your framing was also a little loose - tops of subjects needed to be nearer the top of the frame.
